What Are The 3 Most Common Complaints About Nursing Homes

The Top 5 Most Common Complaints in Nursing Homes - Corban Gunn What Are The 3 Most Common Complaints About Nursing Homes

Unhappy Residents in Nursing Homes: 3 Major Complaints

As a son of an elderly mother living in a nursing home, I can understand why many are unhappy with their living situation in such establishments. For my mother, it is a struggle to adjust to the change of environment and going through the same daily routine every day. It is a very disheartening situation for me to know that I cannot be there to protect her and give her that extra comfort she deserves in her old age. Unfortunately, many nursing home residents like my mother are not pleased with their living conditions. And here are the top three complaints I have heard from my mom and the other residents over the years.

1. Poor Quality of Food

The quality and quantity of food that is served at nursing homes often complaints about is a common one amongst all. Most people assert that the food served to them in nursing homes does not meet the nutrition guidelines as prescribed by doctors or their diets. This further leads to malnutrition and general dissatisfaction with the food. In my mother’s case, she often misses out on the variety of home-cooked food that she used to get. It can be quite frustrating to have to consume the same items for weeks in a row. Understandably, food is an important factor for elderly people as they have special dietary restrictions. As such, I believe that nursing homes should be more aware of an elder’s dietary needs and what they should be consuming.

2. Poor Cleanliness and Sanitation

Living in an unclean space is not only unpleasant but it can also be hazardous for the health of elderly people. Sanitation should be up to the mark at every nursing home, yet in many cases, it is not. Most of the time, elderly people have to suffer from ill-maintained and unclean rooms. For my mother, inadequate sanitation and infrequent cleaning of her room hampers her on a daily basis. Although, the staff at the nursing home are often helpful and attentive, I feel that they are not doing their part to maintain the cleanliness of the premises. As such, I would urge all nursing homes to review their sanitation and cleanliness practices and make improvements in that regards.

3. Lack of Activities

The lack of recreational activities for elderly people is a major concern that is not addressed in many nursing homes. People have to stay in the same environment without much to do throughout the day. This can lead to boredom, isolation, frustration, and depression amongst the elderly. My mother has little to no activities where she can engage in and this affects her mental health as well. To prevent boredom and depression, nursing homes should consider developing activities and programs that can give elderly people something to do throughout the day. Moreover, they should also provide them with access to recreational and leisure activities like reading, painting, and even music.


Facing it all, as a son of an elderly in a nursing home, I think it is important to acknowledge and understand the important issues that elderly people face. With an aging population, the lack of proper care in elderly homes can be worrying for the people involved. As such, I believe that nursing homes should make more effort to improve their services and address the needs of the elderly living there. From my experience, I can confirm that proper nutrition, cleanliness, and adequate activities can transform a nursing home’s living environment. Thus, I would strongly urge nursing homes to take the complaints of their residents more seriously and consistently look for ways to improve the current situation.

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