What Subjects Do You Need To Become A Doctor My Journey to Becoming a Doctor: What Subjects Do You Need to Know?
My journey to becoming a doctor began when I was in high school. Growing up, I was always curious about science and the human body, and I knew that I wanted to pursue a career that would allow me to make a difference in people’s lives. I began researching what it would take to become a doctor and what subject areas I would need to be successful.
Biology and Chemistry
The first two subject areas that I needed to learn were biology and chemistry. Biology was particularly interesting to me because I was able to learn how the human body works and learn about different types of diseases. Chemistry was also important because it helped me to understand how different chemicals interact with each other and how they can be used to diagnose and treat different illnesses.
Anatomy and Physiology
As I continued my studies, I discovered anatomy and physiology. This subject area allowed me to increase my understanding of the human body while also learning about how different systems work. I was able to learn about the different organs in the body, as well as their functions and how each works in concert with the others.
Pathology and Microbiology
Pathology and microbiology were also incredibly important for my journey to becoming a doctor. Pathology provided me with a deeper understanding of the different diseases and how they can be treated. Microbiology, on the other hand, allowed me to study the different bacteria and viruses that can cause illnesses.
Biotechnology and Genetics
Biotechnology and genetics were also two subject areas that I needed to know in order to become a doctor. Biotechnology gave me an in-depth look at how different treatments can be administered to patients, while genetics allowed me to better understand how different traits are passed down from generations. I was able to use this knowledge to gain a better understanding of how diseases are inherited and how to prevent them in the future.
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Pharmacology and toxicology were two more subject areas that I needed to know in order to become a doctor. Pharmacology provided me with the knowledge of how different drugs work and what kind of side effects they can cause. Toxicology, on the other hand, gave me the understanding of how certain chemicals can affect humans and the environment.
Health Care Policy and Social Medicine
Health care policy and social medicine were two areas of study that I also had to take into account. Health care policy provided me with the knowledge of how the healthcare system works, as well as how to best advocate for patients. Social medicine helped me to understand the impact of disease and poverty on the population and how to develop effective strategies to address health disparities.
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Psychology and behavioral sciences were also subject areas that I knew would be beneficial to my studies. Psychology gave me a better understanding of how different mental disorders function and how they can be treated. Behavioral sciences allowed me to learn more about how people think and act, which is useful for diagnosis and treatment.
In the end, I was able to successfully complete my studies and become a doctor. I was able to use the knowledge that I gained to improve the lives of my patients and make a difference in the world. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without learning all of the various subjects that I had to. Learning what it took to become a doctor was an incredible journey that I will never forget.
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